INTERPOLATIONS of Carbono Insights is a collection of NFTs created by Carbono for educational purposes. Every piece is a Dall-E-generate image based on prompts inspired by the content of a corresponding issue of our biweekly newsletter, Carbono Insights.

Even the collection logo is Dall-E’s interpretation of Carbono’s logo (”a black square with a red circle in the center”)

Every two weeks, we create, edit, upload and list a new item in our OpenSea collection.

INTERPOLATIONS is available on Opensea, the most popular marketplace for NFTs. Opensea offers a familiar e-commerce experience while exposing users to smart contracts.

The collection has been launched on Polygon, an Ethereum Layer 2: a separate but compatible blockchain designed to offer a faster and cheaper experience to Ethereum.

Each item is listed on wETH, Polygon’s “wrapped ETH” token. Because Polygon and Ethereum are two different blockchains, the same token cannot move naturally from one to the other, so Polygon’s ETH is a derivative from the original.

The decision to mint on Polygon and sell in wETH has two reasons:

<aside> 💵 Each item of INTERPOLATIONS is listed at 0.0005wETH, which at the time of writing is $0.81 (ETH stands now at $1,600). Transaction costs on Polygon currently range from $0.01 to $0.06



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